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Phytotherapeutic Cough and Cold Treatment

We are on the threshold of winter and it's time to strengthen our home pharmacy with nature's "magical" phytotherapeutic bottles! Phytotherapeutic preparations are botanical alchemies that are prepared in the...

The History of Soap

People since ancient times sought to settle in areas where there was drinking water, i.e. near rivers, lakes, natural springs in forests or mountains. Since their life was simple and...

Amla - Emblica Officinalis

We have all heard about the benefits of vitamin C and from which foods we can supply our body with its antioxidant action. But knowing the enchanting world of nature...
Πρόσωπο γυναίκας που φαίνονται χαρακτηριστικά οι φακίδες και οι ρυτίδες της

Homeopathy and Menopause!

Menopause or climacteric is a natural biological process that occurs in a woman's life between 40 and 50 years of age and is characterized by a decrease in estrogen until...

Coenzyme Q 10 (For a strong heart)..

A substance that has been very well studied for its beneficial benefits is coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). It is also known as ubiquinone, which comes from the Latin ubiquitous and means...

The history of homeopathy!

Homeopathy is a natural method of treatment and while many believe it has been practiced for the last few decades, in reality the first references are in the distant past....

Strengthen your body with Magnesium - Mg

One of nature's most well-studied elements is magnesium, and in recent decades there have been increasing studies of its beneficial benefits in many functions of our body. Magnesium is an...

Skin - The mirror of health and beauty

Since ancient times the materials used by man for to deal with various diseases and to promote health of, had been associated with pure materials from nature, very close to...

Mediterranean diet

Following the 'Mediterranean' dietary practices. The Mediterranean Diet is a canvas with touches from all the Mediterranean countries. From Spain to Egypt and from the South of France to Morocco....

Vegetarian and Vegan Diet

Today, more than ever, the issue of nutrition concerns more and more people. Eating right is one of the first steps a person needs to take in order to stay...

Vitamin B12 in Vegetarianism!

The importance of vitamin B12 in the vegetarian diet.
Κοπέλα που εκτίθεται το πρόσωπο της στον ήλιο

The gift of the sun - Vitamin D!

Vitamin D (calciferol) belongs to the fat-soluble vitamins, that is, it dissolves and is absorbed through fat and has two forms, D2, called ergocalciferol, and D3, or cholecalciferol. D2 is...

Melatonin, a revitalizing hormone!

At the forefront of a chain of sleep onset signals is the famous night hormone melatonin. This hormone is produced in the pineal gland at the back of the brain...

Treating anxiety with herbal therapy

In recent years the term holistic or alternative therapy has been heard frequently, as an increasing number of people choose this path in order to return their physical condition to...

The brain-gut axis

In recent decades scientists have begun to talk about overall human health and healing often referred to as "mind and body healing." The brain-gut axis is a living example of...
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Case Studies of Flowers (Case Studies)

This is a selection of short case reports submitted by professionals or everyday people, showing the help they have received...
Αναλυτικός Οδηγός Ιαμάτων του ΔρΜπαχ, Μπουκαλάκια Bach για θεραπεία

Bach Flower Remedies Guide

This is a quick reference guide to each of the 38 remedies discovered by Dr. Bach. Each treatment addresses a...

Flowers – When nature heals

In 1930 in England, the physician Dr Edward Bach developed the system of flower therapy, preparing 38 flower remedies, which...