The 5 pitta submissives
nature interacts in the human body with the element of water and its
fire, then pitta dosha energy is created.
Pitta Dosha = Fire + Water
The discovery of fire could be said to constitute the
greatest feat of our ancestors and no other discovery or
an event in the history of humanity has not brought so many rapid and
transformative changes in human life.
How would our life be without fire? The fire has been linked to him
sun and with every form of energy and in the body it acts with its form
Its main place in the body is in the small intestine and the primary
its role is the metabolic process, its temperature balance
body and energy production. Apart from this it strengthens the intellect,
helps us understand and process everyday impressions
which take the form of thoughts and to "digest" the experiences of life.
The qualities of pitta are: hot, penetrating, light, oily,
liquid, kinetic.
Because pitta is active in 5 main parts of the body, it is divided into 5 subdoshas which are:
- Sandaka pitta – head, heart
- Alochaka pitta – Eyes
- Bhrajaka pitta – Skin
- Ranjaka pitta – Liver, spleen
- Pachaka pitta – Stomach, duodenum
SANDAKA PITTA = The fire of discrimination
Sandaka pitta moves in the head and heart and is related to
processing of emotions, experiences and stress. Enables
our decisions and their fulfillment. It guides discernment and
cultivation of talents, as well as the completion of goals.
Emotionally, it provides the necessary strength and zest for life.
It moves along the brain-heart axis and is the coordinating energy
speech with feelings.
Any form of exercise that pleases us, especially yoga and
meditation helps to balance the particular hypodosa.
ALOCHAKA PITTA = The fire that helps to see and analyze.
Alochaka pitta is found all over the surface of the eyes with emphasis on
pupil of the eye. It regulates the functions of its cells
retina and the entire visual process. He analyzes his performance
object, perceives color and shape, diversity and
the quantity. An important function of it is assimilation and o
metabolism of sunlight by the eyes.
Alochaka pitta participates in the secretion of melanin in the skin and helps
melanocytes to increase their activity in the blood when we are exposed to
strong sunlight, as it happens in summer. Also at this point
the synthesis of vitamin A also begins.
BRAJAKA PITTA = The fire that gives luster
Brajaka pitta moves through the skin and is associated with touch and regulation
of heat. Contributes to good hydration of the skin and
actively involved in scalp health.
It regulates the function of the sweat glands and releases it
unnecessary fire with sweat, thus bringing balance to its temperature
body. It is responsible for maintaining the ph of the skin, as well
also for the microorganisms that make up its microbiome and
skin defense. Brajaka pitta greatly enhances commitment and
absorption of vitamin D.
RANJAKA PITTA = The fire that gives color
ranjaka pitta is located in the liver and spleen, and bestows the
red color in the blood. The ranjaka pitta located in the liver gives it
red color in the blood and stays in it inside the red blood cells. Pushed
the blood unceasingly with the force it needs to flow continuously. The
different colors of tissues are a result of its activity
ranjaka pitta. It also gives color to hair and skin.
According to the ancient texts of Ayurveda one of the important
functions of ranjaka pitta in the liver, is the isolation of iron, h
storage and its participation in hematopoiesis.
PACHAKA PITTA = The metabolizing fire
Pachaka pitta is active in the stomach and duodenum.
It breaks down the complex molecular compositions of food, such as composites
carbohydrates, in simpler form.
The digestion of food in the intestine and then the strengthening of the tissues with
nutrients, the conversion of food into energy and heat
depend on the action of pachaka pitta. This particular pregnant woman
it separates the useful substances from the useless ones thus shaping them
body waste, creates the feeling of hunger and thirst after
digestion of food is complete.
It burns every pathogenic organism that has entered the body with food. THE
its action also extends to the production of enzymes and despite
is active in the small intestine participates in the digestion of food,
starting with the enzymes found in saliva.
Balanced metabolic fire creates the conditions for one
clear mind, rational emotions and lays the foundation for longevity.
Refreshing foods such as vegetables, fruits, herbs e.g. cucumber,
cantaloupe, watermelon, green beans, red sweet potatoes, cherries, apples,
pineapple, fresh cardamom, coriander are useful to be consumed against
in the summer months. The above foods contribute to its balance
pitta. On the contrary, hot, fatty, fried and very salty foods increase it
heating effect of food and then pitta in the body.
Activities like jogging, swimming, walking, moderate yoga
tension, meditation, and refreshing breathing techniques,
release and balance excess pitta in the body.
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