The Golden Milk

Traditional Ayurvedic recipe

Milk with turmeric and cardamom
One of the oldest recipes in Ayurvedic cuisine is milk with turmeric and cardamom powder. The main ingredient, which is organic cow's milk, nourishes all body tissues and strengthens our immune system. If we use cow's milk for our recipe, then we will dilute it with water in a ratio of 50% milk - 50% water. However, it can be replaced with plant-based almond, rice, soy, oat or other fruit milk that is enriched with calcium, vitamin D, B12 without depriving the beneficial benefits of animal milk.
Turmeric is used in almost every Asian dish, not only for the golden color it gives to the food but also for its healing properties. In particular, it significantly improves the digestion of carbohydrates and fats, as it supports the production of bile and contributes to the ideal limits of postprandial glycemia.
Cardamom, as a seed or powder, is mainly added to drinks to strengthen digestion and metabolism, while at the same time it has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, as it eliminates excess fire (pitta) and earth (kapha). Sugar not only gives the necessary sweetness to the drink, but also helps as a transporter of nutrients to the tissues of the body.

Ingredients for 2 cups of drink we will need:

  • 2 cups plant-based milk or 1 cup cow's milk
  • 1 tbsp ground organic turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp. cardamom powder or few cardamom seeds
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar or brown cane sugar

1. If we use cow's milk, boil all the ingredients together, turmeric, cardamom and coconut sugar in 1 cup of water for about 1-2 hours. The longer we boil it, the stronger the final taste. Then add 1 cup of milk and mix well until it reaches the boiling point again.
2. If we use plant-based enriched milk, add all the above ingredients to a kettle and boil for 1-2 hours.
When we have performed the above steps, we serve the drink after first straining it from the seeds. The benefits of turmeric are now diffused in the drink and it is not necessary to consume the bitter sediment, created by the ingredients, at the base of our glass. .

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